Monday 12 March 2012


so long time no with her go out le... =P

so miss her..XD

but.............. suterday 11.3.12 i with her go out...xD


so happy la...xD

we same same go dance ddr... =P

but i go her house first... =P


my lao gong  < man yuk >


she every day miss some one... =P

after that...xD

go out lu... =P

because at car 2............ boring... =P

so... XD

hehehe... =P


sampai liao lo...xD

ply lu... =P
but... =P

do u knw wat is sopo...?XD

this is sopo...XD

sok 4...XD

lalalallal...xD say hahahahahah....xD

when at home... =P

also SS... =P

when we need slp....xD

Man Yuk de............ u knw i knw.... =P

call in... XD

omg.. omg....

just talk only... =P

but i 突然...

想起 some bad thing... =(

but i keep 4gt it... >.<

hope can fast fast 4gt it la...xD



go 2 KARABUNAI... =P

so happy...xD


at home also SS...XD

lalala.... my eyes... XD

2 sopo... =P


at car...xD

we wait wait wait at car...xD

wait sampai....................

wait wait wait...XD

woohoo...xD sampai jor...XD

but tiba tiba saw this.... !!!!!!!!!!

omg...XP we crazy liao saw this... =P

wat ever la... =P


u knw wat is liang...?XD

2 liang liao...xD i don want go anywhere... =P

take by me... =P

take by me... =P

i like this 1...xD

take by me... =P

i also like this 1... =P

i love SUPER JUNIOR...xD

she love SAMUEL YONG...xD


koren sok 4...xD

want PK...?XP

come.... !!!!!!!!!!!


go 2..............XD

car... =p


so cute...XD

hungry... XD

don want liao... =P

hahaha...xD a good day until here... =p


thanks my lao gong Man yuk...XD

she pui me go out n ply...xD

next time i want with her go out again... =p

yeah yeah...xD

my happy sunday... =P

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