Friday 6 April 2012

happy Good Friday...XD


今天会跟一位很SOK很SOK 的位 SOK 4 度蜜月... =P ♥

her name call < Elaine didi >


so happy...XD

 sok 4 o gong... =P

shy o me...xD

with very sok de girl go gai gai.. =P


本来是两人度蜜月.... XP

变成 4 , 5 人度蜜月了... =P

there are...xD

< Man Yuk >

< Cristal >

< Xiao buduh yuki >


but very happy la...xD

long time no with fren gai gai liao...XD

so happy... =P

that time... XP

we at FULL HOUSE yam cha... XD

< Xiao Buduh Yuki > help me take pic...xD

wat feel wat feel...? =P

nice bo...?XD

can do liang zai model liao bo..?XD


jkjk.. =P

that time...

< Elaine didi >

< Man Yuk >

< Xiao buduh Yuki >

also do model.. =P

there also gt model feel...xD

so cute....xD <3

jalan jalan jalan... XP

when i want back...

my leg suddenly pain... XP


can not 走...XP

my fren say i 走2 much.. XP

opss... =P



i with < Xiao buduh Yuki >

go yamcha...XD

n my son... =P


there don knw keep borrow mr camera... XP

keep take pic...xD

nite Ryo here help me edit pic.. =P

he very pro o...XD

edit like this...XD

nice kan...? =P

thanks Ryo here...xD

my good Friday are finish le...XD

wakakakaka... =P

hope next time can like this again...xD

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